Tammy Caplan

Tammy Caplan started acting at the age of eleven. She received her degree in theater from UCLA where she received the Chancellor's Marshall Award. In addition to acting in numerous plays, films, TV shows and commercials, Tammy is also an accomplished writer. Her TV comedy pilot, The Last Abortion Clinic in Kansas, was a finalist in four writing contests including the Austin Film Festival Writing Competition. Her comedy screenplay, Eighth Grade Sucks, was a Nicholl Fellowship Quarterfinalist. She co-directed, produced, edited, and acted in the feature film, Desperate Acts of Magic, which played theatrically and received rave reviews from The New York Times, Variety, and the L.A. Weekly. Tammy also co-produced and played the Star Wars obsessed stage manager, Jeni, in Never Say Macbeth which has a 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.