The Crew |
Tom Sito (Title Animation) has numerous credits including The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Pocahontas, Dinosaur and Fantasia 2000. Animation World Network called Tom "one of the key players in the Disney Animation Revival." In 1995 he left a Disney directorship post to help set up the Dreamworks Animation unit. |
Tammy Caplan(Producer) | ||||||||
Joe Tyler Gold(Producer/Writer) | ||||||||
C.J. Prouty(Director / Editor) | ||||||||
Michael Millikan(Dir. of Photography) | ||||||||
Stephen Butler (Editor) | ||||||||
Cynthia Herteg(Costume Designer) | ||||||||
Tim Labor (Composer) | ||||||||
Judi Lewin (Makeup / Hair) | ||||||||
Chris Hall (1st A.D.) | ||||||||
Ashley Contino (2nd A.D.) | ||||||||
Tom Sito (Title Animation) | ||||||||
Jonathan Wareham(Sound Editor) | ||||||||
McFejj(Additional Music) | He worked on The Prince of Egypt, Antz, Paulie, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and for a time was a head Story Supervisor on the award winning film Shrek. Tom has produced short films, teaches at USC and UCLA, and has written numerous articles for Animation Magazine and Animation World Network. He has lectured on animation at NYU, SVA, Cal Arts, AFI, SCAD, Univ.of Washington, Microsoft, Woodbury College, Capilano College and Sheridan College, EURO-CARTOON, the Ecole Du Grand Gobelin and Cartoon Masters, ICA Channel 4/MESH, The Animar Festival and the Yomiuri New Media Forum. He served 3 terms as President of the Hollywood Animation Guild and is vice president of the International Animator's Society. He is currently working on a book on animation history. He is a member of the Motion Picture Academy, the National Cartoonists Society and Hollywood Heritage. In 1998 he was named in Animation Magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People in Animation. |